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Serpstack API Documentation

The serpstack API was built to offer a way of scraping Google SERP data in real-time and at scale. Implementation takes just a few minutes using the simple HTTP GET URL structure, and results are returned in JSON or CSV.

This documentation will outline in detail specifications, access and available API endpoints. At the very bottom you will find code samples in different programming languages. In case any technical questions are left unanswered, please feel free to contact serpstack Customer Service for assistance.

API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up for an account, each user will be assigned a unique API access key. This key will be used to authenticate with the API via HTTP GET and access any of the available endpoints.

To authenticate with the API, simply append your API access key to the API's base URL using the access_key parameter.

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

Keep your key safe: To prevent unauthorized use of your account or API access, please make sure to keep your API access key private and safe from third parties. Your access key can be reset with immediate effect in your account dashboard.

256-bit HTTPS Encryption Available on: Basic Plan and higher

Customers subscribed to the Basic Plan and higher can connect to the API using industry standard HTTPS (SSL) by appending an s to the HTTP Protocol. Please find an example API request using HTTPS below.

Example API Request:


API Error Codes

If an API request fails, a JSON object containing details about the error will be returned by the API. Find below an example error that is returned if the maximum allowed API request limit has been reached or exceeded.

Example Error:

    "success": false,
    "error": {
        "code": 104,
        "type": "usage_limit_reached",
        "info": "Your monthly API request volume has been reached. Please upgrade your plan."

Common API Errors:

Code Type Info
404 404_not_found User requested a resource which does not exist.
101 missing_access_key User did not provide an access key.
101 invalid_access_key User provided an invalid access key.
102 inactive_user User account is inactive or blocked.
103 invalid_api_function User requested a non-existent API function.
104 usage_limit_reached User has reached his subscription's monthly request allowance.
105 function_access_restricted The user's current subscription does not support this API function.
210 missing_location_query User has not provided a valid location value inside the query parameter. For details, please refer to the Locations API section of this documentation.
310 missing_search_query User has not provided a valid value inside the query parameter.
311 invalid_engine User has provided an invalid value inside the query parameter.
312 invalid_output_type User has provided an invalid value inside the output parameter.
313 empty_field_list User has not provided a valid value inside the csv_list parameter.
314 invalid_search_type User has not provided a valid value inside the type parameter.
315 invalid_google_domain User has not provided a valid Google domain inside the google_domain parameter.
316 invalid_time_period User has not provided a valid value inside the period parameter.
317 missing_start_date User has not provided a valid date inside the period_start parameter.
318 missing_end_date User has not provided a valid date inside the period_end parameter.
319 invalid_start_date User has provided an invalid date inside the period_start parameter.
320 invalid_end_date User has provided an invalid date inside the period_end parameter.
321 invalid_sort_type User has provided an invalid value inside the sort parameter.
322 invalid_images_page User has provided an invalid value inside the images_page parameter.
323 invalid_images_color User has provided an invalid value inside the images_color parameter.
324 invalid_images_size User has provided an invalid value inside the images_size parameter.
325 invalid_images_type User has provided an invalid value inside the images_type parameter.
326 invalid_images_usage User has provided an invalid value inside the images_usage parameter.
327 request_failed API request failed due to an unknown error. Please contact customer support and report the error.

Google Search API Available on: All plans

API Request & Parameters

If not otherwise specified, the serpstack API will always default to delivering search results from Google. To query the API for Google search results, simply append the query parameter to the API's base URL and set it to a search query of your choice.

Example API Request:

https://api.serpstack.com/search ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY & query = mcdonalds

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, available in your account dashboard.
query [Required] Specify any query to search for. (Advanced operators like intext: are supported)
engine [optional] Specify which search engine to use: google (default)
type [optional] Specify which Google category to search: web (default) for standard web search, images, videos, news or shopping
device [optional] Specify which device to use: desktop (default), mobile or tablet
location [optional] Specify a geographic location for your query to be processed from, either using free-text or by making a request to the Locations API endpoint and using the canonical_name response object.
auto_location [optional] Set this parameter to 1 (on, default) or 0 (off) depending on whether or not you want the API to auto-set the parameters google_domain, gl and hl based on the specified location.
google_domain [optional] Specify a Google domain to use for your query. (Default: google.com) Download a list of supported domains: resource.google.domains.csv
gl [optional] Specify a country code to use for your query. (Default: us for United States) Download a list of supported 2-letter country codes: resource.google.countries.csv
hl [optional] Specify a language to use for your query. (Default: en for English) Download a list of all supported languages: resource.google.languages.csv
safe [optional] Set this parameter to 1 (on) or 0 (off, default) depending on whether or not you want SafeSearch to be enabled for your API request.
period [optional] Use this parameter to filter search results based on a specific time period. Possible values: last_hour, last_day, last_week, last_month, last_year or custom.
period_start [optional] If the period parameter is set to custom, you can use this parameter to specify a start date for your custom time period. (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)
period_end [optional] If the period parameter is set to custom, you can use this parameter to specify an end date for your custom time period. (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)
news_type [optional] When searching Google news, set this parameter to blogs in order to filter your results to blog-related results only. (Default: all)
exclude_autocorrected_results [optional] Set this parameter to 1 (on) or 0 (off, default) depending on whether or not to exclude autocorrected search results in your API result.
images_page [optional] When searching Google images, set this parameter to an integer of your choice to limit the number of image results. (Example: 5)
images_color [optional] When searching Google images, use this parameter to filter image results by color. Possible values: any (default), black_and_white, transparent, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black or brown
images_size [optional] When searching Google images, use this parameter to filter image results by image size. Possible values: large, medium or icon
images_type [optional] When searching Google images, use this parameter to filter image results by image type. Possible values: clipart, line_drawing or gif
images_usage [optional] When searching Google images, use this parameter to filter image results by reuse policy. Possible values: reuse_with_modification, reuse, non_commercial_reuse_with_modification or non_commercial_reuse
sort [optional] If the period parameter is set to any period, you can use this parameter to sort your search results. Possible values: relevance or date.
page [optional] Specify which page of results to show. (Default: 1 for the first page)
num [optional] Specify the number of results to show per page. (Default: 10 - shows 10 organic results)
output [optional] Specify which API response format to return: json (default) or csv.
csv_fields [optional] If output is set to csv, you can use this parameter to specify which response objects should be included in your CSV file. Simply set csv_fields to one or multiple comma-separated field identifiers like search_parameters.query or organic_results.title to limit your CSV file to these fields.

API Response & Definitions

Your API response strongly depends on your search query and the parameters you choose to make use of. Find below a representative example API response, returned for the query mcdonalds and containing some of Google's key response objects. Each available response object will be explained further below in this section.

Google Result API Result Google Search API Response

Basic Response Objects:

Object Description
request > success Returns true if your API request has succeeded.
request > processed_timestamp Returns the exact UNIX timestamp for when your API request was processed by the API.
request > search_url Returns the exact search URL used for your API request.
request > total_time_taken Returns the total processing time of your API request.
search_parameters > engine Returns the name of the search engine used for your API request. (Default: google)
search_parameters > query Returns the requested search query.
search_parameters > type Returns the type of Google search used for your API request. Possible values: web (default), images, videos, news, shopping
search_parameters > device Returns the name of the device type used for your API request.
search_parameters > google_domain Returns the Google domain used for your API request.
search_parameters > hl Returns the content of the hl parameter sent along with your API request.
search_parameters > gl Returns the content of the gl parameter sent along with your API request.
search_parameters > page Returns the current page number as an integer.
search_parameters > num Returns the specified numbers of results per page as an integer. (Default: 10)
search_parameters > location Returns the location sent along with your API request.
search_parameters > output Returns the output requested along with your API request. (Default: json)
search_information > total_results Returns the total number of results found for your search query.
search_information > time_taken_displayed Returns the total processing time displayed by the search engine.
search_information > did_you_mean Returns a "did you mean" search term suggestion if Google detects a typo, misspelling or error in your query.
search_information > showing_results_for Returns the actual search term Google is showing results for. (Only applicable if Google detects a typo, misspelling or error in the query you sent and knows better)
search_information > query_displayed Returns the query displayed by the search engine.
search_information > detected_location Returns the location name Google is displaying in the search results page footer. This response object offers a good way of making sure that your specified location is actually detected by Google.
search_information > no_results_for_original_query Returns true or false depending on whether or not Google is showing results for a different search term than sent in your query. Example: If your query is mcdonalsd, Google would detect a typo and instead show results for mcdonalds. In this case, the no_results_for_original_query would return true.

Please note: The response objects above are part of the basic result set ot the API. All other response objects are part of specific features of the API and will be explained right below.

Organic Results

Organic search results are the main search results provided by Google and are determined by a series of factors, such as web traffic, back-links, social media presence, and much more. These results are parsed by the API in detail and returned as organic_results.

Google Result API Result Google Organic Results Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the current organic result in the entire search result.
title Returns the title of the organic result.
url Returns the actual URL of the organic result.
domain Returns the domain of the organic result.
displayed_url Returns the displayed URL of the organic result.
snippet Returns the description of the organic result.
sitelinks Returns all sitelinks attached at the bottom of the organic result, either as inline results (small sitelinks in a row) or expanded results (larger sitelinks below and next to each other).
cached_page_url Returns a Google URL leading to the current organic result as a cached web page.
related_pages_url Returns a Google URL leading to other search results related to the current organic result.
prerender Returns true or false depending on whether or not the given organic result was pre-rendered. Learn about pre-rendered results here.
rich_snippet Returns an array of data related to the current organic result's rich snippet, which usually contains ratings, prices, availability or additional product details.
rich_snippet > top/bottom Returns top or bottom depending on where the rich snippet is located.
rich_snippet > detected_extensions Returns an array of rich snippet details the API was able to identify (e.g. number of employees).
rich_snippet > extensions Returns an array containing all rich snippet details as key-value pairs.

Image Results

There are two options images can be returned by the API:

Option 1: Inline Images

When doing a standard web search and images are provided by Google within the search results, these images are returned by the API within an inline_images array.

Google Result API Result Google Inline Images Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
block_position Returns the position of the inline image block in the entire search result.
image_url Returns the URL leading to the inline image.
url Returns the website URL associated with the inline image.
title Returns the title of the inline image.

Option 2: Image Search

If images are searched specifically, with the type parameter being set to images, images are returned as an image_results array. If images are searched specifically, the API returns 100 images by default.

Google Result API Result Google Image Results Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the image in the entire search result.
title Returns the title of the image.
width Returns the width of the original image in pixels.
height Returns the height of the original image in pixels.
image_url Returns the URL leading to the image.
type Returns the file type of the image. (Example: png)
url Returns the website URL attached to the image.
source Returns the origin domain of the image.

Video Results

There are two options videos can be returned by the API:

Option 1: Inline Videos

When doing a standard web search and videos are provided by Google within the search results, these videos are returned by the API within an inline_videos array.

Google Result API Result Google Inline Videos Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
link Returns the URL of the inline video result.
duration Returns the video duration in "mm:ss" format.
duration_sec Returns the video duration in seconds as an integer.
title Returns the title of the inline video result.
source Returns the source name of the inline video result.
author Returns the author of the inline video result.
date Returns the upload date of the inline video result.
image Returns the thumbnail image of the inline video result.
image_url Returns the thumbnail image_url of the inline video result.
rank Returns the rank of the inline video result on the current page.
global_rank Returns the global rank of the inline video result.

Option 2: Video Search

If videos are searched specifically, with the type parameter being set to videos, videos are returned as a video_results array.

Google Result API Result Google Video Results Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the video result in the entire search result.
title Returns the title of the video result.
url Returns the URL leading to the video.
displayed_url Returns the displayed URL.
uploaded Returns upload date and (in some cases) uploader name.
snippet Returns the video result description
length Returns the length of the video in hours, minutes and seconds. (Example: 13:48 for 13 minutes and 48 seconds)

News Results

News results are returned as a news_results array only when the type parameter is set to news.

Google Result API Result Google News Results Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the news result in the entire search result.
title Returns the title of the news result.
url Returns the URL leading to the news article.
source_name Returns the name of the news source associated with the current news result.
uploaded Returns a hint on when the news result was uploaded relative to the current time. (Example: 1 day ago)
uploaded_utc Returns the exact upload date of the news result.
snippet Returns the description of the news result.
thumbnail_url Returns a URL leading to the thumbnail of the news result.

Shopping Results

There are two options shopping results can be returned by the API:

Option 1: Inline Shopping

When doing a standard web search and shopping items are provided by Google within search results, these items are returned by the API in an inline_shopping array.

Google Result API Result Google Inline Videos Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the inline shopping result as an integer in relation to the entire inline shopping list.
url Returns the URL of the inline shopping result.
title Returns the title of the inline shopping result.
price Returns the price associated with the inline shopping result.
merchant Returns the merchant name associated with the inline shopping result.
rating Returns a rating associated with the shopping result.
reviews Returns an integer indicating the number of reviews associated with the shopping result.

Option 2: Shopping Search

If shopping results are searched specifically, with the type parameter being set to shopping, shopping results are returned as a shopping_results array.

Google Result API Result Google Shopping Results Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the shopping result in the entire search result.
title Returns the title of the shopping result.
url Returns the URL leading to the shopping item.

Local Results

For many searches Google returns both a local map and a series of local results below. These items are returned together in almost 100% of all cases. The API will return local map details as local_map and local results as local_results.

Google Result API Result Google Local Results Response

local_map Response Objects:

Object Description
url Returns the URL of the local map result.
coordinates > latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the local map result.
coordinates > longitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the local map result.
image_url Returns a URL leading to the image of the local map result.
position Returns the position of the local result.
title Returns the title of the local result.
image_url Returns the image URL of the local result, if available.
address Returns the address of the local result.
extensions Returns additional information about the local result, if available.
rating Returns the rating of the local result, if available.
reviews Returns the number of reviews for the local result, if available.
type Returns the type or contact information of the local result.
price Returns the price range of the local result, if available.

local_results Response Objects:

Object Description
position Returns the position of the local result in the local results block.
title Returns the title of the local result.
coordinates > latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the local result.
coordinates > longitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the local result.
image_url Returns the image URL associated with the local result.
address Returns the address associated with the local result.
extensions Returns an array of additional data associated with the local result.
rating Returns a rating associated with the local result.
reviews Returns an integer indicating the number of reviews associated with the local result.
type Returns any type of detail about the local result. (Example: phone number or opening hours)
price Returns a price associated with the local result.
url Returns the website URL associated with the local result.

Answer Box

Google is capable of providing a large variety of direct answers to questions, from simple questions all the way to solutions of complicated mathematical formulas. The serpstack API is able to parse all of the most common formats, of which two are explained below. Answers to questions of all types will be returned by the API as an answer_box array. Please note that the answers array can contain multiple answers.

Example 1: Simple Answer

Below you will find an example API response for a simple question answered by Google.

Google Result API Result Google Answer Box Simple Question Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
featured_snippets Returns a list of featured snippets within the answer box.
type Returns the type of the featured snippet.
display_link Returns the display URL of the featured snippet.
link_title Returns the title of the featured snippet link.
link Returns the actual URL leading to the source of the featured snippet.
value > text Returns the text content of the featured snippet.
rank Returns the rank of the featured snippet on the current page.
global_rank Returns the global rank of the featured snippet.

Example 2: Calculator Result

Below you will find an example API response for a question Google answers using the calculator.

Google Result API Result Google Answer Box Calculator Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
answer Returns the calculation result.
type Returns the type of answer provided by Google.
formula Returns the formula contained in the original query.

Weather Box

If your Google search query is related to the weather in a specific location, Google will return weather information as an object called weather_box. This object contains details about current and future weather conditions in the given location.

Google Result API Result Google Weather Box Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
location Returns the location associated with the given weather information.
time Returns the day and time associated with the current weather.
description Returns a string that can be displayed to describe the current weather condition.
weather_image Returns the a URL to a PNG image associated with the weather condition.
precipitation > display Returns precipitation unit and value as a string to display.
precipitation > unit Returns the precipitation unit as a string.
precipitation > value Returns the precipitation value as an integer.
humidity > display Returns humidity unit and value as a string to display.
humidity > unit Returns the humidity unit as a string.
humidity > value Returns the humidity value as an integer.
temperature > display Returns temperature unit and value as a string to display. Unit can be celsius or fahrenheit.
temperature > unit Returns the temperature unit as a string.
temperature > value Returns the temperature value as an integer.
temperature > type Returns the type of temperature returned. Only used in forecast data. Possible values: low or high
wind > display Returns wind unit and value as a string to display. Unit can be km/h or mph.
wind > unit Returns the wind unit as a string.
wind > value Returns the wind value as an integer.
day Returns the forecast day in 3-letter format. Example: Thu


If there are any events relevant to your search query, Google will show a rich snippet containing event results. These results are returned by the serpstack API as an events array.

Google Result API Result Google Events Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
title Returns the title of the event.
url Returns a Google URL leading to details of the event.
date > day Returns the day of the event as an integer.
date > month Returns the month of the event as a string.
date > display Returns the entire date as a string to display.
address > line1 Returns the first address line.
address > line2 Returns the second address line.
image_url Returns a URL leading to the cached event image.
block_position Returns the position of the inline events block in the entire search result.

Top Stories

If there are any trending news stories relevant to your search query, Google will return those in a section called "Top Stories". This section is returned by the API as a top_stories array.

Google Result API Result Google Events Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
block_position Returns the position of the inline image block in the entire search result.
url Returns a URL to the given top story.
title Returns the title of the given top story.
source Returns source name of the given top story.
uploaded Returns the upload date of the given story.
uploaded_utc Returns the upload date (UTC) of the given story.

Knowledge Graph

A Knowledge Graph is returned by Google whenever there is enough imformation about the search query from Google directly or from informational sources, such as Wikipedia. Knowledge Graphs will be returned in a knowledge_graph object by the API.

Google Result API Result Google Knowledge Graph Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
title Returns the title of the Knowledge Graph.
type Returns any type of detail about the topic in the Knowledge Graph. (Example: Fast food company)
image_urls Returns an array of image URLs leading to images associated with the Knowledge Graph.
description Returns the description of the Knowledge Graph.
source > name Returns the name of the source the information contained in the Knowledge Graph is sourced from.
source > url Returns the URL of the source the information contained in the Knowledge Graph is sourced from.
website Returns the website URL associated with the topic in the Knowledge Graph.
founded Returns the date and location the company in the Knowledge Graph was founded in. (This is a response object specific to company information and is not always returned.)
headquarters Returns the address of the headquarters of the company in the Knowledge Graph. (This is a response object specific to company information and is not always returned.)
founders Returns an array of names of founders of the company in the Knowledge Graph. (This is a response object specific to company information and is not always returned.)
subsidiaries Returns an array of names and URLs of subsidiaries of the company in the Knowledge Graph. (This is a response object specific to company information and is not always returned.)
did_you_know Returns an additional information text about the topic in the Knowledge Graph.
profiles Returns an array containing names and URLs of social profiles related to the topic in the Knowledge Graph.
people_also_search_for Returns an array containing names and URLs of topics related to the topic in the Knowledge Graph.

Please note: While the example above shows the most type of Knowledge Graph, please note that there are multiple types of information a Knowledge Graph contain. Not all possible API response objects are covered by this documentation at this point.

Inline Tweets

If there are any Tweets relevant to your search query, Google will include them in your search result. The serpstack API will return inline Tweet results as an inline_tweets array.

Google Result API Result Google Inline Tweets Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
url Returns the URL associated with the given inline Tweet.
title Returns the title of the given inline Tweet.
date Returns the date the given inline Tweet was published.
description Returns the content of the given inline Tweet.


The API does not stop at page 1 of Google, the upcoming nine pages are listed along with URLs in the API's pagination response object.

Google Result API Result Google Pagination Response

Response Objects:

Object Description
current_page Returns the current page as an integer.
next_page Returns the number of the next page as an integer.
next_page_start Returns the start index for the next page.
next_page_link Returns the URL leading to the next page.
pages Returns the pagination information for upcoming pages, each containing the page number, start index, and link.

Locations API

There is a dedicated API endpoint that you can use to look up supported locations based on a query string. The purpose of this API endpoint is to give you a way of specifying the exact location you would like to use when making a request to the search endpoint.

Request & Response

To look up a location, simply use the API's locations endpoint and append your search query using the query parameter. By default, the API will return the 10 results that come closest to your query. You can manually force the API to return more results by setting the limit parameter to an integer of your choice, but a maximum of 50.

Example API Request:

https://api.serpstack.com/locations ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY & query = new york

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
access_key [Required] Your API access key, available in your account dashboard.
query [Required] Specify your location query.
limit [optional] Specify the number of matching locations the API should return. (Default: 10)

Example API Response:

If matching locations were found, the serpstack API will return each location found as a separate array object containing a series of identifiers associated with the respective location object.

        "name": "New York",
        "canonical_name": "New York,New York,United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "target_type": "City",
        "reach": 23600000,
        "latitude": -74.0059413,
        "longitude": 40.7127837
        "name": "New York, NY",
        "canonical_name": "New York,NY,United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "target_type": "DMA Region",
        "reach": 23600000,
        "latitude": -74.0059413,
        "longitude": 40.7127837
        "name": "New York",
        "canonical_name": "New York,United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "target_type": "State",
        "reach": 23600000,
        "latitude": -74.0059413,
        "longitude": 40.7127837
        "name": "Bronx County",
        "canonical_name": "Bronx County,New York,United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "target_type": "County",
        "reach": 23600000,
        "latitude": -73.8648268,
        "longitude": 40.8447819
        "name": "Kings County",
        "canonical_name": "Kings County,New York,United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "target_type": "County",
        "reach": 23600000,
        "latitude": -73.9441579,
        "longitude": 40.6781784

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
name Returns the name of the matching location
canonical_name Returns the canonical name of the matching location. Use this object to specify your location when making requests to the search endpoint.
country_code Returns the 2-letter country code associated with the matching location.
target_type Returns the location type. Possible values: City, County, State, DMA Region, Neighborhood, Province, Department, District
reach Returns the number of people the matching location will reach on Google.
latitude Returns the latitude coordinate associated with the matching location.
latitude Returns the longitude coordinate associated with the matching location.

Code Examples

Below you will find code examples that print the total number of search results as well as each organic search result returned by the serpstack API. The API is compatible with any programming language available, below we are including example code for PHP, Python, Nodejs, jQuery, Go and Ruby.

Code Example - PHP

$queryString = http_build_query([
  'access_key' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
  'query' => 'mcdonalds',

$ch = curl_init(sprintf('%s?%s', 'https://api.serpstack.com/search', $queryString));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$json = curl_exec($ch);

$api_result = json_decode($json, true);

echo "Total results: ", $api_result['search_information']['total_results'], PHP_EOL;

foreach ($api_result['organic_results'] as $number => $result) {
  echo "{$number}. {$result['title']}", PHP_EOL;

Code Example - Python

import requests

params = {
  'access_key': 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
  'query': 'mcdonalds'

api_result = requests.get('https://api.serpstack.com/search', params)

api_response = api_result.json()

print "Total results: ", api_response['search_information']['total_results']

for number, result in enumerate(api_response['organic_results'], start=1):
    print "%s. %s" % (number, result['title'])

Code Example - Nodejs

const axios = require('axios');
const params = {
  access_key: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
  query: 'mcdonalds'

axios.get('', {params})
  .then(response => {
    const apiResponse = response.data;
    console.log("Total results: ", apiResponse.search_information.total_results);
    apiResponse.organic_results.map((result, number) =>
      console.log(`${number+1}. ${result.title}`));
  }).catch(error => {

Code Example - jQuery

  url: 'https://api.serpstack.com/search',
  data: {
    access_key: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    query: 'mcdonalds'
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function(apiResponse) {
    console.log("Total results:", apiResponse.search_information.total_results);
    apiResponse.organic_results.map(function(result, number) {
      console.log(number + 1 + ".", result.title);

Code Example - Go

package main

import (

type SearchInformation struct {
  TotalResults int `json:"total_results"`

type OrganicResult struct {
  Title string `json:"title"`

type Response struct {
	SearchInformation   SearchInformation `json:"search_information"`
	OrganicResults      []OrganicResult `json:"organic_results"`

func main() {
  httpClient := http.Client{}

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://api.serpstack.com/search", nil)
  if err != nil {

  q := req.URL.Query()
  q.Add("access_key", "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")
  q.Add("query", "macdonalds")
  req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

  res, err := httpClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
  defer res.Body.Close()

  var apiResponse Response

  fmt.Println("Total results:", apiResponse.SearchInformation.TotalResults)
  for index, result := range apiResponse.OrganicResults {
    fmt.Printf("%d. %s\n", index + 1, result.Title)


Code Example - Ruby

require 'net/http'
require 'json'

params = {
  :access_key => "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
  :query => "mcdonalds"
uri = URI('https://api.serpstack.com/search')
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
json = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
api_response = JSON.parse(json)

puts "Total results: #{api_response['search_information']['total_results']}"

api_response['organic_results'].each_with_index do |result, number|
  puts "#{number + 1}. #{result['title']}"

Business Continuity - API Overages

Ensuring our customers achieve success is paramount to what we do at APILayer. For this reason, we will be rolling out our Business Continuity plan guaranteeing your end users will never see a drop in coverage. Every plan has a certain amount of API calls that you can make in the given month. However, we would never want to cut your traffic or impact user experience negatively for your website or application in case you get more traffic.

What is an overage?

An overage occurs when you go over a quota for your API plan. When you reach your API calls limit, we will charge you a small amount for each new API call so we can make sure there will be no disruption in the service we provide to you and your website or application can continue running smoothly.

Prices for additional API calls will vary based on your plan. See table below for prices per call and example of an overage billing.

Plan Name Monthly Price Number of Calls Overage Price per call Overage Total price
Basic $29.99 5,000 0.011996 1,000 $41.99
Business $99.99 20,000 0.009999 3,000 $129.99
Business Pro $199.99 50,000 0.0079996 10,000 $279.99

Why does APILayer have overage fees?

Overage fees allow developers to continue using an API once a quota limit is reached and give them time to upgrade their plan based on projected future use while ensuring API providers get paid for higher usage.

How do I know if I will be charged for overages?

When you are close to reaching your API calls limit for the month, you will receive an automatic notification (at 75%, 90% and 100% of your monthly quota). However, it is your responsibility to review and monitor for the plan’s usage limitations. You are required to keep track of your quota usage to prevent overages. You can do this by tracking the number of API calls you make and checking the dashboard for up-to-date usage statistics.

How will I be charged for my API subscription?

You will be charged for your monthly subscription plan, plus any overage fees applied. Your credit card will be billed after the billing period has ended.

What happens if I don’t have any overage fees?

In this case, there will be no change to your monthly invoice. Only billing cycles that incur overages will see any difference in monthly charges. The Business Continuity plan is an insurance plan to be used only if needed and guarantees your end users never see a drop in coverage from you.

What if I consistently have more API calls than my plan allows?

If your site consistently surpasses the set limits each month, you may face additional charges for the excess usage. Nevertheless, as your monthly usage reaches a certain threshold, it becomes more practical to consider upgrading to the next plan. By doing so, you ensure a smoother and more accommodating experience for your growing customer base.

I would like to upgrade my plan. How can I do that?

You can easily upgrade your plan by going to your Dashboard and selecting the new plan that would be more suitable for your business needs. Additionally, you may contact your Account Manager to discuss a custom plan if you expect a continuous increase in usage.

Introducing Platinum Support - Enterprise-grade support for APILayer

Upgrade your APIlayer subscription with our exclusive Platinum Support, an exceptional offering designed to enhance your business’ API management journey. With Platinum Support, you gain access to a host of premium features that take your support experience to a whole new level.

What does Platinum Support include?

Standard Support Platinum Support
General review on the issue
Access to knowledge base articles
Email support communication
Regular products updates and fixes
Dedicated account team
Priority Email Support with unlimited communication
Priority bug and review updates
Option for quarterly briefing call with product Management
Features requests as priority roadmap input into product

Priority Email Support: Experience unrivaled responsiveness with our priority email support. Rest assured that your inquiries receive top-priority attention, ensuring swift resolutions to any issues.

Unlimited Communication: Communication is key, and with Platinum Support, you enjoy unlimited access to our support team. No matter how complex your challenges are, our experts are here to assist you every step of the way.

Priority Bug Review and Fixes: Bugs can be a headache, but not with Platinum Support. Benefit from accelerated bug review and fixes, minimizing disruptions and maximizing your API performance.

Dedicated Account Team: We understand the value of personalized attention. That's why Platinum Support grants you a dedicated account team, ready to cater to your specific needs and provide tailored solutions.

Quarterly Briefing Call with Product Team: Stay in the loop with the latest updates and insights from our Product team. Engage in a quarterly briefing call to discuss new features, enhancements, and upcoming developments.

Priority Roadmap Input: Your input matters! As a Platinum Support subscriber, your feature requests receive top priority, shaping our product roadmap to align with your evolving requirements.

Don't settle for the standard when you can experience the exceptional. Upgrade to Platinum Support today and supercharge your APIlayer experience!

Anything left unanswered? Feel free to get in touch with out technical support team! Contact Us